1月 January
1月5日 カバルガタ
5th January Cabalgata de Rejes
The cabalgata de Reyes is a parade held on 5th January, the eve of Epiphany. It celebrates the coming of the Three Kings with their gifts for the infant Jesus.
2月 February
2月13日から17日 カルナバル
13th to 17th February Carnaval
*Normally Carnaval is one of a tradicional event in Cadíz,from 2018 we have it in Jerez, too. For the details, please click here.
2月23日から3月10日 フェスティバル・デ・ヘレス
23rd to 10th March Festival de Jerez
The biggest and most important event for Flameco people. Flamenco players can take intensive lessons, enjoy shows at Teatro Villamarta and peñas. If you are interested in small shows, check flyers in bars in Jerez. In this season tons of flamenco people come to Jerez. Please book your accommondation as soon as possible.
The 23rd Festival de Jerez will be held from 22nd February to 9th March 2019. Jerez City Hall provides intensive course information. If you are interested in, click here.
3月 March
3月2日から4日 第21回 サロン・マンガ・デ・ヘレス
2nd to 4th March The 21st Salon Manga de Jerez
Salon Manga de Jerez is anime and comic festival. The biggest event in Andalucia and 2nd biggest event in Spain.
3月25日から4月1日 セマナ・サンタ(聖週間)
25th to 1st April Semana Ssanta
4月 April
4月29日 第二回 シェリー・マラソン
29th April The 2nd Sherry Marathon
5月 May
5月4日から6日 モトGP
4th to 6th May Moto GP
5月5日から12日 馬祭り
5th to 12th May Feria del Caballo (Horse Festival)
5月10日から12日 闘牛 *ヘレスでは基本的に闘牛は馬祭り開催期間中のみ開催されます。
10th to 12th May Bull Fighting
In this year Horse Festival, Bull Fighting and Moto GP will be held same week. Hoteles, holiday apartment will be packed very early. Please prepare your travel plan as soon as possible if you consider to come to Jerez in this season.
6月 June
6月3日から5日 ビノブレ(酒精強化と甘口ワインの展示会) *ワインおよび飲食関係従事者のみ参加可能
3rd to 5th June Vinoble *Only professional
7月 July
7月13日から8月11日 金曜フラメンコ、ボヘミアン・ナイト
13th July to 11th August Friday Flamenco and Bohemian Night
Friday Flamenco will be held every Fridays during 13th July to 10th August at Patio San Fernando in Alcazar de Jerez.
Bohemian Night will be held every Saturdays during 14th July to 11th August at Patio San Fernando in Alcazar de Jerez.
8月 August
7月13日から8月11日 金曜フラメンコ、ボヘミアン・ナイト
13th July to 11th August Friday Flamenco and Bohemian Night
8月23日から25日 ブレリア祭り
23rd to 25th August Fiesta de Bulería Jerez
9月 September
9月1日から16日 収穫祭
1st to 16th September Harvest Festival

To check details, please click here.
9月8日 ヨーロッパ馬の日
8th September European Horse Day
9月22、23日 ヨーロッパ自動車産業の歴史祭り
22nd and 23rd September History of Automobile Industry Day
10月 October
10月6、7日 ユーロ・フォーミュラ・オープン・チャンピオンシップ
6th and 7th Eurofomurla Open Championship
10月6日から9日 サンディオニシオ祭り 青と白の夜
6th to 9th October San Dionicio – Blue and White Night
10月8日から14日 インターナショナル・シェリー・ウィーク
8th to 14th International Sherry Week
The annual global celebration showcases Sherry Wines through a network of public and private events in bars, restaurants, hotels, bodegas, universities, tabancos, and wine clubs around the world simultaneously during the week of October 8th – 14th, 2018. On web-site of Jerez City Hall and some posters mention that International Sherry Week will be held in November. The schedule has been changed.
10月27、28日 スペイン・スピード選手権
27th, 28th October Campeonato de España de Velocidad
11月 November
11月5日から11日 ヨーロッパ・エノツーリズム・ウィーク
5th to 11th November European Enotourism Week
12月 December
12月1日から1月6日 サンボンバとクリスマス
1st December to 6th January Zambonba and Christmas
Zambonba is typical event in December to Christmas. People gather in many places in Jerez de la Frontera. Not only inside of building, park, street etc. They sing “Christmas Carol” with Flamenco. This is the Jerez Style. Because of this reason, many travelers visit Jerez!